Air quality indicators

Air quality index values for zones monitored over the month of:

April 2024

The index corresponds to the average concentration of particle matter measured in micrograms / m3;

the lower the value, the better the air quality.


The average environment of the Toulouse region

PM 10
Toulouse Inside Peripheral Ring


Toulouse Suburd




PM 2.5
Toulouse Inside Peripheral Ring


Toulouse Banlieu




Environmental quality averaged over the period under review is good. The higher PM values in the city of Toulouse than in the suburbs are partly due to human activities and road traffic. The suburbs, which are little affected by climatic and industrial changes, show a very good level of quality.

Detailed environment of the Toulouse region

  • Average PM 10 measurements (readings in micrograms / m3)

Average PM10 values were relatively low this month, both in central Toulouse and in the suburbs. Measurements taken by official Atmo sensors on the main traffic arteries remain at moderate levels, confirming a drop compared with previous months (see monthly trends tab). In our opinion, this phenomenon cannot be explained at this stage: lack of statistics (weather, drop in traffic, drop in activity…).


Measurements on the Toulouse ring road, taken solely by official sensors, show a maximum value of 24 in April, compared with a peak value (36) in January; this value is recorded on the busiest point of the ring road at Rangueil.

Measurement points near the airport (Blagnac) also remain relatively limited.


Readings to the west of Toulouse show very moderate values, uniform with other parts of the Toulouse suburbs, which may reflect a relatively calm weather situation.

Special focus on Castanet-Tolosan

  • Average PM10 measurements
  • Average PM 2.5 measurements (readings in micrograms / m3)

Concentrations are higher on the ring road, but generally speaking, measurements are more homogeneous across the entire oscillated zone.

  • Average PM 2.5 measurements

Temperature evolution over the present month

PM10 concentration over the present month

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