Air quality index values for zones monitored over the month of:
August 2024
The index corresponds to the average concentration of particle matter measured in micrograms / m3;
the lower the value, the better the air quality.
The average environment of the Toulouse region
PM 10
Toulouse Inside Peripheral Ring
Toulouse Suburd
PM 2.5
Toulouse Inside Peripheral Ring
Toulouse Suburd
The quality of the environment averaged over the period under consideration is acceptable in the city of Toulouse and the Toulouse suburbs. The differences between the urban centre of Toulouse and the suburbs are the result of significant pollution in the centre of the large conurbation, probably due to road traffic. The detailed readings presented below show a homogeneous period over the month.
The averaged values presented take into account measurements from citizen sensors and official Atmo Occitanie sensors.
Detailed environment of the Toulouse region
Average PM 10 measurements (readings in micrograms / m3)
The average PM10 values recorded show a high trend over the month, with a general increase across the whole of the Toulouse region and its suburbs. However, the measurements taken on the Toulouse ring road by the official sensors (in blue circles) are at an acceptable level. The maximum value of 22 at Rangueil (compared with 26 in July) indicates a moderate trend. This suggests that the increase is not mainly due to road traffic. As the detailed curves below show, the deterioration is most marked in the second half of August.
The measurement points near the airport (Blagnac) show stability over the month compared with July.
The point located in the extreme north-east (value 12 in PM10) corresponds to the location of the second incubator in Toulouse; the first incinerator is located to the north-west (FR500039) indicating an average concentration of 14.
The northern and eastern parts of Toulouse, where there are no sensors, cannot be properly assessed.
Special focus on Castanet-Tolosan
Average PM10 measurements
Average PM 2.5 measurements (readings in micrograms / m3
Citizen sensors can assess PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations at the same time, which is not the case for all official sensors. There has been a marked increase in average values compared with last July.