Air quality indicators

Air quality index values for zones monitored over the month of:

November 2024

The index corresponds to the average concentration of particle matter measured in micrograms / m3;

the lower the value, the better the air quality.

The average environment of the Toulouse region

PM 10
Toulouse Inside Peripheral Ring


Toulouse Suburd




PM 2.5
Toulouse Inside Peripheral Ring


Toulouse Suburd




Environmental quality averaged over the period under review is mediocre in the city of Toulouse and its suburbs. These values show a very marked deterioration compared with the previous month. The detailed readings presented below show three very turbulent periods over the month.

The averaged values presented take into account measurements from citizen sensors and official Atmo Occitanie sensors.

Detailed environment of the Toulouse region

  • Average PM 10 measurements (readings in micrograms / m3)

Averaged PM10 values show a very disturbed situation during the month. All values are practically above the WHO recommended standard of 15 micrograms/m3. The highest values are found on the city’s ring road, corresponding to official sensor readings (in blue circles), and show a maximum value (31 at Rangueil) not yet reached this year.

Measurement points near the airport (Blagnac) and to the north of Toulouse show an unusual disturbed environment.

All citizen sensors also reflect this disturbed environment, both in the center of Toulouse and in the suburbs.

The northern and eastern parts of Toulouse, where there are no sensors, cannot be properly assessed.

Special focus on Castanet-Tolosan

  • Average PM10 measurements
  • Average PM 2.5 measurements (readings in micrograms / m3

Citizen sensors enable PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations to be assessed at the same time, which is not the case for all official sensors.

There was a sharp deterioration in all measurements compared with the previous month at all points in the region.

  • Average PM2.5 measurements

Temperature evolution over the present month

PM10 concentration over the present month

PM2.5 concentration over the present month

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