Air quality indicators

Air quality index values for zones monitored over the month of:

March 2024

The index corresponds to the average concentration of particle matter measured in micrograms / m3;

the lower the value, the better the air quality.


The average environment of the Toulouse region

PM 10
Toulouse Inside Peripheral Ring


Toulouse Suburd




PM 2.5
Toulouse Inside Peripheral Ring


Toulouse Banlieu




Environmental quality averaged over the period under review is good to very good. The PM10 and PM2.5 values show a clear upward trend for both the citizen sensors and the Atmo Occitanie sensors.

The average values presented take into account the measurements of the citizen sensors and those of the official Atmo Occitanie sensors.

Detailed environment of the Toulouse region

  • Average PM 10 measurements (readings in micrograms / m3)

The measurement points near the airport show relatively low values (Atmo sensors).

Readings to the west of Toulouse also show lower values.

Relatively low PM10 values were recorded both inside and outside Toulouse.

Measurements on the Toulouse ring road were also lower than in previous months, with a maximum value of 23 instead of 36 in January, corresponding to the busiest point on the ring road at Rangueil.

Special focus on Castanet-Tolosan

  • Average PM10 measurements
  • Average PM 2.5 measurements (readings in micrograms / m3)

Average PM2.5 readings were also lower in March than previously.


  • Average PM 2.5 measurements

Temperature evolution over the present month

PM10 concentration over the present month

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